What's the Difference Between Memorial Day and Veterans Day?
Both Memorial Day and Veterans Day are meant to celebrate military veterans, but there's one important distinction you should remember.
2023-05-20 04:47

10 Things to Remember About Memorial Day
Memorial Day arose from the tragedy of the Civil War. It's a time to remember the people who sacrificed their lives for their country.
2023-05-19 03:50

9 Explosive Facts About the Manhattan Project
America’s greatest physicists assembled under the Manhattan Project to create the deadliest weapon the world had ever seen—an atomic bomb.
2023-05-19 02:19

The Lasting Legacy of Elizabeth Stuart, the ‘Winter Queen’ of Bohemia
The daughter of King James VI and I was Electress Palatine of the Rhine and Queen of Bohemia, and through her grandson, the founder of a new British ruling dynasty.
2023-05-18 05:25

The Super Luxe History of Pineapples—And Why They Used to Cost $8000
Pineapples used to be expensive in Europe and colonial America. The South American fruit has been a symbol of wealth, luxury, and hospitality.
2023-05-18 04:24

Layla in Real Life: 10 Songs Written About Pattie Boyd
The former model and ex-wife of music legends George Harrison and Eric Clapton made music history in her own right.
2023-05-16 22:24

Watch Johnny Cash Impersonate Elvis Presley For a 1959 Rendition of ‘Heartbreak Hotel’
Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley occasionally impersonated each other in concerts—here’s the proof.
2023-05-16 04:20

Reports of Mark Twain’s Quote About His Own Death Are Greatly Exaggerated
“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” is a little exaggerated itself. Find out the real story behind this famous quote.
2023-05-16 01:23

6 Little-Known Writers of Color Who Transformed Their Countries
Though their contributions were immense, many aren’t well-known outside of their nations’ borders.
2023-05-12 20:20

8 Facts about Isamu Noguchi
Isamu Noguchi (1904–1988) was one of the most influential designers and sculptors of the 20th century.
2023-05-11 06:29

7 Businesses You Probably Didn’t Know Were Controlled By the Mob
To create inroads into other industries without drawing much attention to themselves, crime families found creative ways to launder money and rule where one might least expect.
2023-05-10 05:18

10 Things You Might Not Know About Mother’s Day
People buy a lot of flowers on Mother’s Day. (Jewelry and spa services get boosts, too.)
2023-05-09 08:28