When ‘Scared Straight’ Shocked 1970s Television Viewers
The profanity-laden documentary managed to win both Emmys and an Oscar. But it didn't reduce juvenile delinquency.
2023-11-24 02:21

When Crispin Glover Was Replaced by a Lookalike in ‘Back to the Future II’
Audiences thought the actor reprised his role as George McFly in the ‘Back to the Future’ sequels. But Glover had never stepped foot on set.
2023-11-17 02:28

Furry Road: Remembering the Krushed Kitty Novelty Toy Scandal
In the late 1980s, thousands of cars were adorned with a seemingly crushed stuffed cat. Not everyone found it funny.
2023-11-10 02:18

One Minute of Music: Remembering the HitClips Fad of the Early 2000s
The tiny chips held just 60 seconds of pop music, but kids still couldn’t get enough.
2023-10-27 01:22

When the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Went On a Live Concert Tour
In 1990, kids went crazy for lip-syncing Turtles who were rocking out live on stage—and trying not to pass out in the process.
2023-09-29 01:21

When Pepsi Tried Giving Away $1 Billion With the Help of a Chimp
The soft drink company teased consumers with a giant contest offer. But could they really pay it out?
2023-09-22 05:29

Parental Advisory: When Tipper Gore Took on ‘80s Rock Music
Suggestive lyrics from bands like Twisted Sister led to the 1985 Parents Music Resource Center Senate hearing on whether musicians should be allowed to rock without parental supervision.
2023-09-15 03:16

When Geraldo Rivera Had His Nose Broken on Live TV
In 1988, talk show host Geraldo Rivera got caught in the middle of a heated and racially-motivated argument on the set of his show. One flying chair later, his nose was in pieces.
2023-09-11 20:49

The Time Freddy Krueger Became a Nightmare for Will Smith
The rapper's 1988 song, "Nightmare on My Street," made reference to a killer named Fred who was "burnt like a weenie." New Line Cinema didn't find it funny, but it has just been rediscovered online.
2023-09-10 19:49

Hollywood's Brief Love Affair With Young Einstein Star Yahoo Serious
Australian actor Yahoo Serious came out of nowhere to conquer Hollywood with the 1989 hit 'Young Einstein.' Then, just as quickly as he appeared, he vanished.
2023-09-10 19:46

When 'Woody Wagons' Ruled the Road
Cars with wood paneling used to be all the rage. And yes, it made perfect sense at the time.
2023-08-25 02:50

Why Everyone Stopped Asking Jeeves
Ask Jeeves became a casualty of the search engine wars of the early 2000s. Eventually, their mascot was escorted right out the door.
2023-08-17 12:23