The Iconic Concorde Airplane Is Getting the LEGO Treatment
LEGO’s Concorde plane is as sleek as its real-life counterpart.
2023-09-06 21:45

The Best Time to Use the Bathroom On an Airplane, According to a Flight Attendant
The correct answer is “never,” but if you have to, you’d better time it right.
2023-08-29 22:27

Why Can’t I Use My Cell Phone on an Airplane?
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) bars the use of all transmitting devices in the off chance that transmissions could interfere with a plane’s navigation and communications equipment and cause system malfunctions.
2023-05-23 03:49

The Real Reason You Can’t Bring Water Bottles Through Airport Security
A CIA official explains the 3-1-1 rule and the lasting influence of Operation Overt.
2023-05-12 03:46